Rambles & Thoughts

Things that make me slow down a bit.

I live in a small town. Churchs on every cornor some very stuffy some where anyone can find they belong there and call home. I would say my town is still pretty much divided between black and white certin sides of town and etc...

We have one middle school, one high school, and a few elem schools. We have small town harvest festivals where people come out and sell hand made items and neat crafts which i love going to. When you are ridding down the road starangers and older people still wave i love that !!! It kinda makes me think all those people that take a second to throw up their hand is not in such a hurry like the rest of the world.

But what do we not lower class but not well off enough to not think about bills take for granted ??

Today on the way home from my neice's soccer game me and my husband saw a small family dad,mom and one son standing on the side of the road not normally where people would stand and "ask" for money. They had a sign that said will work for food my husband truned right arounf me asking what are you doing weare going to be late ! He then explained what he saw we gave them $10 dollars what we may waste on any given day the man was very gratful and wanted to "work" it off saying he felt bad nt doing something in return. Some people may fuss and say he needs a job the wife needs a job and quit begging for all i know they may both have a job but everyone knows that right now it's hard to get a job and when you do youu have to beg for hours. But the young boy was age enough to retun to school on Monday and get made fun of for standing on the cornor with his dad and the dredded "sign" and it hurts my heart that may happen come Monday but it also makes me feel good that we truned around no matter what the man/woman does with the money half for drugs maybe the other half will go towards the son and that would be good enough for me. I do not agree with any drug use what so ever but who am i to judge what they may or may not do with a helping hand out.

It has been on my mind all day thinking how do you get to that point ??? I have a three year old daughter and expecting another one come April and it just makes me think like what if it came to that it takes a very stong human being to suck up that much pride and hold a sign. All i know is it made me slow doen and think alittle today and i am glad for that.

Everyday i try to judge less and put myself in others shoes i'm not perfect and will never claim to be but i just wanted to share what i think taught me a lesson today.

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